How payment works
A somewhat radical experiment
I believe in a radically different way of doing business. That extends to payment, too.
It’s simple: if we both agree that we’d like to work together, you make an offering based on your unique circumstances, the resources currently available to you, and what feels fair. That’s it. Your offering can be money, time, or something else.
I realize this is very unorthodox, so I’ve included some additional guidance on how to think about your offering below. As long as you make your offering in good faith, I will consider it (though I can’t guarantee I’ll accept every offering).
Guidance for making an offering
First and foremost, please make an offering that feels meaningful to you.
As you reflect on your offer, I encourage you to consider your current financial situation, non-monetary resources you have available to you, and what feels intuitively right. I’m deliberately leaving this open to interpretation. A lovingly handmade gift can be meaningful. So can a payment of $5,000.
If your financial position is fragile, I encourage you to reflect on an offering that feels meaningful, possible, and easeful. It doesn’t have to be money. Consider everything that you might offer, whether that’s an exchange of skills or something you create with your own two hands.
If your financial position allows, I usually (but not always) prefer monetary payment. Not sure how much to offer? Here are some starting points.
$125-$250 per hour if:
Your financial position allows you to invest in marketing help without sacrificing other needs or critical sources of joy.
$250-$500 per hour if:
Your financial position allows you to invest in marketing help and still purchase everything you need and most of what you want.
$500 or more per hour if:
Your financial position allows you to invest in marketing help and still buy pretty much whatever you want for yourself.
Ready to take the next step?
An introvert-friendly path to marketing yourself is just a couple of clicks away. It all starts with a free 20-minute chat about any marketing challenge you want. At the end of the call, you’ll have actionable next steps on a real problem and a better sense of how we could work together.